Going into space with Python
Img source: the Verge
Hi gorgeous Friends!
I love Python ๐
If you are just starting out as a beginner programmer, I highly recommend you to learn Python first. It is super easy to learn and beginner friendly.
Python has a great plethora of libraries, modules and frameworks that allows you to do just what you want with ease. Even going to space ๐.
In this article, we are doing to use the requests
library and the open-notify API
to find out which and how many astronauts are in space. Ready? Let's dive in...
First, we have to install the requests
module from PyPI
using pip
. It will help us make HTTP
requests. If you already have it installed, please skip this step.
pip install requests
Create a new python file and name it whatever you want. I'll name mine astros.py
Inside our file, we are going to type this.
import requests
# The open-notify API
url = "http://api.open-notify.org/astros.json"
response = requests.get(url)
status_code = response.status_code
When you are performing a HTTP
request, it should display a status code. We've assigned this status code to the status_code
Let's run astros.py
python3 astros.py
A 200
response status code means that our request to the server has been successfully received. To learn more about HTTP
status codes check out MDN Docs.
Alright, so far so good! Let's get data.
data = response.text
# get the data type we received
# print it
<class 'str'>
{"number": 3, "people": [{"craft": "ISS", "name": "Chris Cassidy"}, {"craft": "ISS", "name": "Anatoly Ivanishin"}, {"craft": "ISS", "name": "Ivan Vagner"}], "message": "success"}
We're getting dataaaaaaaa! ๐
Yes, but it is of type string
. We can't do much faster with data of string type
. Well, there is another python module that will help us handle this. It is called json
. Go and box this code import json
just below or before where you wrote import requests
in your file. It should look like this;
import requests
import json
Good. Now let's convert our data into a python dictionary using json
clean_data = json.loads(data)
<class 'dict'>
{'number': 3, 'people': [{'craft': 'ISS', 'name': 'Chris Cassidy'}, {'craft': 'ISS', 'name': 'Anatoly Ivanishin'}, {'craft': 'ISS', 'name': 'Ivan Vagner'}], 'message': 'success'}
Now our data is of dict
type. Great!
How many astronauts are in space?
astronauts = clean_data['number']
print("Number of Austronauts =>", austronauts)
Number of Austronauts => 3
Who are they?
names = json_data['people']
print('Names => ', names)
Names => [{'craft': 'ISS', 'name': 'Chris Cassidy'}, {'craft': 'ISS', 'name': 'Anatoly Ivanishin'}, {'craft': 'ISS', 'name': 'Ivan Vagner'}]
Well, our names are in an array()
of objects. Let's unpack it
list_of_austronauts = []
for item in range(len(names)):
for austronaut in list_of_austronauts:
Chris Cassidy
Anatoly Ivanishin
Ivan Vagner
Lastly, let's get every astroanut and their craft
craft_and_name = clean_data['people']
for name in range(len(names)):
print('Craft:', names[name]['craft'],"\n", "Astronaut:", names[name]['name'])
Craft: ISS
Astronaut: Chris Cassidy
Craft: ISS
Astronaut: Anatoly Ivanishin
Craft: ISS
Astronaut: Ivan Vagner
That was it.
We've just learned how to use python's requests library
to perform HTTP requests. We've also learned how to use json
to convert data of type string into a dictionary which allows you to access it easily within our code.
You should go utilize the open-notify API
to get different data such as the position of the ISS
in space.